Popis produktu
Sběratelské karty Star Wars High-Tek 2024 - Hobby Box je balení 20 sběratelských karet. V boxu je pouze jeden balíček. Zakoupením tohoto boxu získáte tedy 20 karet s tématikou oblíbené ságy Star Wars.
Základní set obsahuje 100 karet těch nejlepších postav napříč celou ságou.
V boxu jsou dle výrobce garantovány dvě limitované karty. Hledejte podepsané karty, tech karty, sketche a další parádní hity.
Hledejte :
- Throne Room
- Hyperspace
- Imperial Walls
- Death Star Laser
- Rebel Screen
- Death Star Interior
- Death Star Exterior
Paralelní verze:
- Gold Diffractor - #'d to 50
- Orange Diffractor - #'d to 25
- Green Diffractor - #'d to 10
- Red Diffractor - #'d to 5
- Black Diffractor - #'d to 1
- Black & White: Limited Black & White Variations of the Base Set! NEW!
- Black Diffractor - #'d 1/1
- Wookiee-Tek: Highlighting everyone's favorite shaggy giants! - NEW!
- Spectacular Species: Spotlighting different humanoid races in the galaxy - NEW!
- Shadow-Tek: Collect those who have embraced anger, fear and aggression! - NEW!
- Fantas-Tek: Featuring the most popular characters on a dynamic card pattern! - NEW!
Insert paralelní karty:
- Green Diffractor: #'d to 10
- Red Diffractor: #'d to 5 -
- Black Diffractor: #'d 1/1
- Orange Diffractor: #'d to 25
- Green Diffractor: #'d to 10
- Red Diffractor: #'d to 5
- Black Diffractor: #'d 1/1
Dual podpisy:
- Green Diffractor: #'d to 10
- Red Diffractor: #'d to 5
- Black Diffractor: #'d 1/1