Popis produktu
2021-2022 NHL Upper Deck Premier hobby box je exklusivní balení 6 velmi hodnotných karet.
Rookie karty se objevují pro všechny, kteří splňovali status nováčka k 1.5.2022.
Jedná se o limitovaný 150 karetní set. Sběratelé mohou sbírat sedm paralelek, které zahrnují hard signed paralelky a dvě memorabilia paralelky (Jersey, Premium/Patch) a také veterány a rookies (fight strap, Neckline), ale i rookie (brozne, purple).
Většina paralelek jsou limitovány do 65 kusů, či níže.
Set obsahuje hodně podepsaných karet. Taktéž zde najdete mnoho 1 of 1 karet. Set obsahuje také mnoho memorabilia karet, včetně double / triple / quad memorabilia.
Podrobný popis celého produktu najdete níže. Nejzajímavější typy karet pak na obrázcích.
Autographed Memorabilia Cards:
NEW! 2002-03 Rookie Patch Auto (Tier 1) #'d to 49
NEW! 2002-03 Rookie Patch Auto - Gold Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 5
NEW! 2002-03 Rookie Patch Auto (Tier 1) #'d to 15
NEW! 2002-03 Rookie Patch Auto - Gold Parallel (Tier 2) #'d 1-of-1
NEW! 2021 Premier Rookie Auto - Jersey (Tier 1) #'d to 99
NEW! 2021 Premier Rookie Auto - Jersey (Tier 2) #'d to 25
NEW! 2021 Premier Rookie Auto - Logo Patch Parallel #'d 1-of-1
NEW! 2021 Premier Rookie Auto - Patch Parallel #'d to 15
Acetate RPA (Tier 1) #'d to 249
Acetate RPA - Gold Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 65
Acetate RPA - Platinum Parallel (Tier 1) #'d 1-of-1
Acetate RPA (Tier 2) #'d to 99
Acetate RPA - Gold Parallel (Tier 2) #'d to 35
Acetate RPA - Platinum Parallel (Tier 2) #'d 1-of-1
Acetate Veteran Patch Auto (Tier 1) #'d to 35
Acetate Veteran Patch Auto - Gold Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 10
Acetate Veteran Patch Auto (Tier 2) #'d to 25
Acetate Veteran Patch Auto - Gold Parallel (Tier 2) #'d to 5
Acetate Veteran Patch Auto (Tier 3) #'d to 15
Acetate Veteran Patch Auto - Gold Parallel (Tier 3) #'d to 3
Acetate Veteran Patch Auto - Platinum Parallel #'d 1-of-1
Horizontal Acetate RPA (Tier 1) #'d to 99
Horizontal Acetate RPA - Gold Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 25
Horizontal Acetate RPA - Platinum Parallel (Tier 1) #'d 1-of-1
Horizontal Acetate RPA (Tier 2) #'d to 49
Horizontal Acetate RPA - Gold Parallel (Tier 2) #'d to 15
Horizontal Acetate RPA - Platinum Parallel (Tier 2) #'d 1-of-1
NEW! Star Systems Varied #'ing
NEW! Star Systems - Gold Parallel Varied #'ing
NEW! Star Systems Rookies (Tier 1) #'d to 149
NEW! Star Systems Rookies - Gold Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 25
NEW! Star Systems Rookies (Tier 2) #'d to 75
NEW! Star Systems Rookies - Gold Parallel (Tier 2) #'d to 10
NEW! Star Systems Rookies (Tier 3) #'d to 25
Autographed Cards:
20th Anniversary Auto #'d to 100
20th Anniversary Auto - Black Parallel #'d to 15
20th Anniversary Auto - Gold Parallel #'d 1-of-1
20th Anniversary Auto Legends #'d to 35
20th Anniversary Auto Legends - Black Parallel #'d to 5
20th Anniversary Auto Legends - Gold Parallel #'d 1-of-1
20th Anniversary Auto Rookies (Tier 1) #'d to 99
20th Anniversary Auto Rookies - Black Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 15
20th Anniversary Auto Rookies (Tier 2) #'d to 35
20th Anniversary Auto Rookies - Black Parallel (Tier 2) #'d to 5
20th Anniversary Auto Rookies - Gold Parallel #'d 1-of-1
Base Set - Auto Parallel 1:8
Base Set - Gold Auto Parallel Varied #'ing
Base Set - Platinum Auto Parallel #'d 1-of-1
Base Set Legends - Auto Parallel 1:300
Base Set Legends - Gold Auto Parallel Varied #'ing
Base Set Legends - Platinum Auto Parallel #'d 1-of-1
Base Set Rookies - Auto Parallel 1:4
Base Set Rookies - Gold Auto Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 35
Base Set Rookies - Gold Auto Parallel (Tier 2) #'d to 15
Base Set Rookies - Platinum Parallel #'d 1-of-1
NEW! Premier Signature Seating 1:10
NEW! Premier Signature Seating - Gold Section Parallel #'d to 5
NEW! Premier Signature Seating Legends 1:30
NEW! Premier Signature Seating Legends - Gold Section Parallel #'d to 5
NEW! Premier Signature Seating Rookies 1:8
NEW! Premier Signature Seating Rookies - Gold Section Parallel #'d to 5
NEW! Star Systems Auto Varied #'ing
NEW! Star Systems Auto - Gold Parallel Varied #'ing
Non-Autographed Memorabilia Cards:
20th Anniversary Jersey #'d to 300
20th Anniversary Patch - Black Parallel #'d to 25
20th Anniversary Patch - Gold Parallel #'d to 5
20th Anniversary Rookies Jersey #'d to 300
20th Anniversary Rookies Patch - Black Parallel #'d to 75
20th Anniversary Rookies Patch - Gold Parallel #'d to 10
Base Set - Fight Strap Parallel #'d to 5
Base Set - Jersey Parallel 1:3
Base Set - Neckline Parallel #'d to 3
Base Set - Premium Memorabilia Parallel Varied #'ing
Base Set Legends - Jersey Parallel 1:300
Base Set Legends - Premium Memorabilia Parallel #'d to 5
Base Set Rookies - Fight Strap Parallel #'d to 15
Base Set Rookies - Jersey Parallel 1:2
Base Set Rookies - Neckline Parallel #'d to 3
Base Set Rookies - Patch Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 49
Base Set Rookies - Patch Parallel (Tier 2) #'d to 25
Premier Attractions Jersey (Tier 1) #'d to 99
Premier Attractions - Patch Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 35
Premier Attractions Jersey (Tier 2) #'d to 49
Premier Attractions - Patch Parallel (Tier 2) #'d to 20
Premier Attractions - Patch Parallel (Tier 3) #'d to 7
Premier Dual Jerseys #'d to 99
Premier Dual Patch Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 15
Premier Dual Patch Parallel (Tier 2) #'d to 5
Premier Triple Jerseys #'d to 49
Premier Triple Patch Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 15
Premier Triple Patch Parallel (Tier 2) #'d to 5
Premier Quad Jerseys #'d to 25
Premier Quad Patch Parallel (Tier 1) #'d to 15
Premier Quad Patch Parallel (Tier 2) #'d to 5
Premier Gear - Jersey #'d to 49
Premier Gear - Patch Parallel #'d to 10
Premier Gear - Tag/Button Parallel #'d 1-of-1
Premier Gear Rookies - Jersey #'d to 99
Premier Gear Rookies - Patch Parallel #'d to 25
Premier Gear Rookies - Tag/Button Parallel #'d to 3
Premier Mega Jerseys Duos #'d to 49
Premier Mega Patch Duos Parallel #'d to 25
Premier Mega Jerseys Trios #'d to 25
Premier Mega Patch Trios Parallel #'d to 15
Premier Mega Jerseys Quads #'d to 15
Premier Mega Patch Quads Parallel #'d to 5
Premier Mega Patch - Chest Logos Varied #'ing
Premier Mega Patch - Sleeve Numbers Parallel Varied #'ing
Premier Mega Patch - Shoulder Logos Parallel Varied #'ing
Premier Mega Patch - Commemorative Logos Parallel Varied #'ing
NEW! Rookie Patch-Taculars (Chest Logo) #'d to 25
NEW! Rookie Patch-Taculars - Gold Parallel (Shoulder Logo) #'d to 5
NEW! Rookie Patch-Taculars - Black Parallel (Logo Button) #'d 1-of-1
NEW! Dual Rookie Patch-Taculars (Chest Logos) #'d to 25
NEW! Dual Rookie Patch-Taculars - Gold Parallel (Shoulder Logos) #'d to 5
NEW! Dual Rookie Patch-Taculars - Black Parallel (Logo Buttons) #'d 1-of-1
Regular Base Set Cards:
Base Set (1-90) #'d to 299
Base Set - Gold Parallel #'d to 65
Base Set - Platinum Parallel #'d 1-of-1
Base Set Legends (91-100) #'d to 99
Base Set Legends - Gold Parallel #'d to 25
Base Set Legends - Platinum Parallel #'d 1-of-1
Base Set Rookies (101-150) #'d to 399
Base Set Rookies - Bronze Parallel #'d to 199
Base Set Rookies - Gold Parallel #'d to 65
Base Set Rookies - Purple Parallel #'d to 10
Base Set Rookies - Platinum Parallel #'d 1-of-1